Risk Studies
Checklists. What if?.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA).
Environmental Monitoring
Oceanographic and Coastal.
Environmental and Safety Audits
Follow up and Verification of Action Plans.
Environmental Impact and Risk Studies for new developments
Regional Modality.
Particular Modality.
Preventive Report.
Monitoring of Conditioners (Site preparation, construction, operation and abandonment of site)
Forest Certification Systems
Preventive Technical Forestal Audits Program.
Hazardous Waste Reduction and Management Programs
Generated waste studies per process.
Process optimization.
Internal and external management of generated waste.
Long term waste reduction strategies.
Environmental Strategies for the Company
Buying-Selling or transfer of industrial property or services.
Change of land uses (ie Industrial to Urban)
Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Projects
Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment.
Sanitary landfills for non-hazardous solid waste and of special handling.
Treatment and/or containment of hazardous waste.
The operation of wastewater treatment plants.
Management Systems
ISO 9000 (Quality).
ISO 14000 (Environmental).
ISO 18000 (Safety).
Legal Advice for Environmenatl Issues
Administrative aspects of the site, construction, operation and site abandonment.
Environmental Management
Territorial Studies
The -OT- is conceived as a process and a strategy of planning, of a technical-political character, with which it is tried to configure, in the long term, an organization of the use and occupation of the territory, according to the potentialities and limitations of the same expectations and aspirations of the population and the sectoral objectives of development. It is embodied in plans that express the long-term territorial model that society perceives as desirable and the strategies by which action will be taken on reality to evolve towards that model.
Ecological Management of the Territory
Forest Management
Territory Arrangement
Accident Prevention Programs
Restored Soil Reports
General advice on the correct management, protection and use of natural resources